Sunday, 25 April 2010

Addition of loft bedroom - Post #3

Welcome to the third update on this project.
As a quick update, above our garage we have a large loft area with real potential for an extra room.
Prior to this post the floor had been structured with 10x2's glued and nailed to the existing 2x6's.
In this first image you can see the first 8x4' floor board in place. I choose 3/4 OSP. Even though 5/8ths is good enough I like to add a little extra, this adds a little more stability and also allows for a hardwood floor in the future. Also note in this image the vapour / gas barrier. As this room is above the garage you must ensure that there is a full gas barrier to avoid any exhaust fumes from vehicles below, this also doubles as the vapour barrier. Don't forget it needs to be in the "Warm in winter" side of the structure hence placing it directly beneath the floor.
This second image shows a little added structure to support the far wall, as the flooring 2x10's were placed either side of the existing 2x6's there was almost a 4" step from one side to the other, I wanted to ensure that the wall was well supported so I added these 2x4's every 16" to give the wall plenty of support. The wall would eventually partly support the roof, as with most roofs they sag a little in the middle, I wanted to make the walls fairly straight so later on I would jack the middle part of the roof up about an inch and a half, without these supports there was a risk of forcing the the floor to bow downwards.
Once the floor was laid the next task was to start on the three knee walls. After the first one was installed I needed to add a referance line around the room so that they would all be square to the first.
As you can see I used a laser level to help with this task, a great little tool which saves allot of messing around with chalk lines or spirit levels opposite you can just about see it in action.
The final image in this post shows one of the side walls and the long end wall.
As mentioned above I jacked up the middle of the end wall almost 2" this was a little challenging with the creaks and groans, but it was well worth it. Without this being done the wall you see when you walk in to the room would show this bow which I know would bug me.
Stay tuned for the next stage.

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