Monday, 2 May 2011

Charity run for Pediatric Oncology Group of Ontario (POGO). - Final update

Sunday was the first official run I have done for probably 20 or so years.

I had a small bet (no money changed hands) with my 16 year old son.

The weather was very cold when we arrived at 9:00am and if I am totally honest I was very nervous about the run, I knew I could get around but I felt that I really hadn't prepared well enough for it.

In this first image you can see the full Manulife team, thankfully many were first time runners so all I had to do was beat some of them!!
Here were the father and son teams, from left to right, Bob, My son Jamie, Graham and his Dad Ian.
First over the line (For the father and son team above) was Jamie, I knew he would beat me but very surprised at how fast he completed the 5Km's, his time was a very respectable 21m40sec. He ended up 44th overall for 600+ participants, well done son!!

Last out of the 4 mentioned above was myself, I did run a few mins faster than expected but well behind the others, my time was 27m20sec. You can see the two young runners sprinting past me in the image, they had lots left I could only watch them an hope to run faster at the end. Hard work but well worth the effort.
For the record, Ian finished in 23m 29sec and Graham at 26m 21sec.
All in all the Manulife team raised around $35,000. Well done and a huge thank you to everyone who supported us.
So what to do next?
I may even start light jogging, maybe a few Km's once per week, who knows!


  1. Congratulations on doing it! Great work! I love that last photo with the little ones sneaking past you. :)

    Hard work for a great cause. You should feel great!

  2. Thanks it was well worth the effort, a great feeling when I finished.
    If only I could have beaten the kids!!

