Saturday 13 April 2013

Ice storm, tree causalities

We have lived in Canada for almost 12 years and this is the first real ice storm. Cant believe how much damage it could cause.
The saddest part for us personally is the possible loss of our Ash tree at the front of the house.

At this point the tree is still standing but when the city comes I have a feeling it may have to come down.

I took a walk around the subdivision and it looked like a giant had been stomping around with all the devastation, a small sample can been seen below.
To look on the bright side I'm not aware that anyone was injured.


  1. Yikes! That is some storm damage. Too bad about your ash tree, but at least it wasn’t anywhere near your house, as it could’ve fallen down and caused some property damage. Silver lining, I guess? Speaking of which, how was your house after the storm? Did the bad weather get in?

  2. No damage to the house but thankfully the tree didn't fall if it had it may have taken out my roof!!!
